

Usage method

Usage method for CARD HyperOva®

Usage precaution: Do not inject twice or more per mouse.

Storage temperature: -80℃~-20℃

Injection timing: In the case of C57BL/6J, it is most effective to inject the reagent into a 26 to 30 day-old female mouse (date of birth is defined as 0 day-old).

  1. Remove CARD HyperOva® from a refrigerator. Place the CARD HyperOva® in an incubator, a water bath, etc. at 37°C and leave it for 10mins to thaw.
  2. The thawed reagent must be injected within an hour of thawing. Before sucking up the reagent into the cylinder, invert the tube and mix the contents well in order to suspend the CARD HyperOva® .
  3. In the unlikely event that aggregates appear that cannot be removed using an injection needle, do not collect the aggregates* when filling CARD HyperOva® into the cylinder.
  4. Inject 0.1mL - 0.2mL/mouse of CARD HyperOva® into the abdominal cavity.
  5. Inject 7.5IU of hCG** into the abdominal cavity 48 hours after administering CARD HyperOva® .
  6. 17 hours after the hCG injection, remove the swollen area of the oviduct from the mouse, remove the unfertilised eggs, and transfer to a medium such as HTF medium for in vitro fertilization. Please note that introducing 100 or more unfertilised eggs into a drop of medium for in vitro fertilisation could drastically reduce the fertilisation rate.

* Aggregates do not have any influence on the effect of CARD HyperOva® .
** Please prepare hCG separately.

Product manual

CARD HyperOva®F.D.

Usage precaution: Do not inject twice or more per mouse.

Storage temperature: refrigerator at 4°C

Product structure :Sterile water in a vial and Freeze dried CARD HyperOva in a vial.

1) Aspirate sterile water(2mL) from the vial in a syringe.
2) Invert the bottle for several times in order to mix CARD HyperOva® .
3) Induce superovulation by injecting 0.1-0.2 mL (i.p.) of CARD HyperOva® into a female mouse.

Product manual

External link to Reproductive Engineering Techniques in mice

External link to Reproductive Engineering Techniques in mice
:Center for Animal Resources and Development, Kumamoto University